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An Altar Call
Please take this opportunity to pray with the congregation in the video above at the end.
If you did pray seeking forgiveness unto salvation please let us know using the online massager
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Next step. The truth may be that salvation is of no interest to you. Or, it could be that you are genuinely busy and you would be willing to consider this matter at another time.
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee that this moment in time will come again. Nor is there a guarantee that either you or I will live until the day that you are not busy or until the day that you are willing to discuss this matter. God is willing to accept you here and now, but He will honour your rejection of Him and salvation. James 4:13-15
Not now, I’m not ready
Change is potentially challenging. But failure to change presents its own consequences. We do not have to ready to receive salvation. We simply need to be willing to receive it and then the Spirit of God goes to work on us slowly.
You will also be helped through the transition by the Church you choose to attend and we would encourage you to focus on what is most important.
Right understanding
Most of the main faiths, like most other people, believe that as long as an individual does more good than bad, they may go to heaven. Unfortunately, this is not true. God is Holy and we cannot live with Him in heaven unless ALL of our sins have been forgiven and we confess with our mouth and believe in our hearts, that Jesus died, to pay the price for our sins, and God raised Jesus Christ from the dead unto eternal life. Romans 10:9. Those who reject salvation, join the first to reject the sovereignty of God. Unfortunately, there is no third option. Revelation 20:10-15
Even sinful thoughts are enough to convict us. Matthew 5:27-29 So you will need to pray, asking God for this forgiveness in the name of His Son, Jesus Christ whose innocent blood was shed to pay the price for our sins. John 3:16-18
Next Step
How to become a Christian
Ask the Lord to lead you to find a good church. Click: Why attend Church?
Be baptised by your chosen Church. Mark 1:9 Acts 9:18, Galatians 3:27, 1 Corinthians 15:22 Acts 8:12
If you prayed this prayer; please let the church you have chosen know. Alternatively, take the opportunity to ask any questions that you might have. Upon request, you will also find that many churches offer a range of useful free services. These might include, but are not limited to, marriage counselling/arbitration, and caring for struggling individuals and families. Please let them know that Who Is Right suggested you contact them.
Pray daily and try to read or listen to some of the Bible each day. Here is a link to an audio version of the best selling book of all time.
Click the following red link after reading the 3 steps below it:
The Holy Bible (Audio Version)
Step 1 Click on the “Bible index” to select your bible reading for the day from the menu.
Step 2 Click on the speaker/volume icon/image on the right to reveal the play/go > bottom on the left.
Step 3 Click play > to hear the Holy Bible read to you.
Please save this page to your favourites and share it. Thank you.
Have you had a bad Church experience?
Finally.Two exceptions?
Last step
Perhaps it is time to add some new gospel music to your collection. Matthew 26:30. 2 Kings 3:15
Getting a head start
There is nothing to stop you from going online and searching for a free online discipleship course.
Already a Christian?
If you are already a Christian, can we encourage you to continue to share your faith with others.